The ingredients of a unique recipe...

Tradition, talent, innovation, flour, water, tuna...

Who we are

Lamastelle team mixes tradition, talent, innovation, flour, water, tuna and some other ingredients in order to create unique products for people to enjoy in best moments.

Our experience and knowledge have let us specialize in the preparation of Galician empanada, Tarta de Santiago with Protected Geographical Indication and sponge cakes we can nowadays deliver anywhere in the world.

Foto de empanada jugosa con pimientos asomando y accesorios de cocina variados
Lamastelle history

How was our recipe born

Icon of a man giving a course

Our story started in Oleiros (A Coruña) more than three decades ago. By that time, we met to organize a tanning on special purpose of bakery and confectionery.

Icon of a baker woman with a chef's hat

At the beginning it seemed a simple short training, but eventually it turned into a big project and the first step of our passion and trade.

Kneading roller and dough icon

We did not stop training and we started to prepare empanadas and fresh pastries, which we used to delivery on daily basis near the bakery workshop.

Icon of people in a team

Little by little, we saw how our sales were increasing and so the quality of the work positions of the people with disabilities who had seen how this project had been born.

Icon of a man using new technologies

New technologies brought us the possibility to reach further markets.

Icon of a man in a coffee shop enjoying his drink

We bet for our deep-freezing tunnel, which let us introduce our cared and high quality products and make them arrive in optimal conditions to the different sale points.

Commitment with people with disabilities, environment and our respected profession has always been our guide path.

Our values

Mixing ingredients

Do you know where do our enthusiasm and the traditional flavour of our products come from? They come from selective ingredients and strong values:


Our flavours show the excellence of the raw materials we use to elaborate our products, which are based on Galician tradition and keep the essence of the ingredients we use in each recipe we make. All these features together take us to our land.

Reliable service

close and with people as an aim. We listen to our customers needs and we collaborate with suppliers in order to create strong and long-lasting professional bonds. Distributors, producers, consumers… We all take part of the same project.

Capability to adapt

to the requirements of our customers and the latest trends of the market. We join tradition and innovation in order to advance through new horizons, without forgetting our roots.

Team and social value

Our team is the heart of our company. They are talented and carefully trained and they help us to grow day by day. Our mission has been the same since our origins and this is helping life quality, providing opportinities and creating value in which work and talent of disabled people concerns.

Lamastelle’s view

Baking our future

Lamastelle will keep on betting for quality, reliability, capability to adapt, social value and making our team grow. Our team is composed by wonderful people who enjoy every day preparing products with the aim of satisfying the needs and tastes of the consumer and the demands of the business of our customers.

Let us work together to fulfilyour customers’ needs

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